A full groom at Cute Cuts includes
- Initial consultation to discuss your dogs needs and your requirement's
- A bath including 2 washes using high quality shampoo or an aleo vera soothing shampoo should your dog have sensitive skin plus a condition should your dogs coat require it
- Blueberry facial
- Blow Dry or fluff dry using a stand dryer
- Anal glands checked / Emptied
- Nails cut and filed
- Ears cleaned and / or plucked
- Haircut of your choice
- A spritz of perfume
- A free bow or bandanna (Optional)
- A free sweetie bag to take home
*****Lots of cuddles*****
Breed Price
Afghan hound £80
Airedale Terrier £80
American Bulldog £40
American Cocker £50
Basset Hound £35
Beagle £35
Bearded Collie £80
Bedlington Terrier £45
Bichon Frise £47
Border Collie £55
Border terrier Clipped £45 Handstripped £60
Boxer £35
Bulldog £35
Cairn Terrier Clipped £45 Hand stripped £55
Cocker Spaniel Clipped £48 Hand stripped £60
Cockapoo £48-£50
Cavapoo/Cavashon £48
Cavalier £47
Chihuahua Smooth £25 Long £40
Chinese Crested £43 Powderpuff £45
Coton de Tulear £48
Dachshund (Mini) Smooth £25 Long £40 Wire (Stripped) £50
Dachshund (standard) Smooth £30 Long £45 Wire (Stripped) £60
Fox Terrier Clipped £45 Hand stripped £55
French Bulldog £30
Golden Retriever £70-£80
Great Dane £40
Husky £55
Jack Russell Smooth £25 Long £45 Wire (Hand stripped) £55
Labrador £40
Lakeland Terrier Clipped £45 Hand stripped £55
Labradoodle £80
Lhasa Apso £45
Maltese £45
Maltipoo £48
Norfolk/ Norwich Terrier Clipped £45 Hands tripped £55
Newfoundland £90-£100
Papillon £45
Pekingese £45
Poodle Toy £45 Miniture £50 Standard £80
Pomeranian £40-£45
Pug £30
Rottweiler £40
Scottish Terrier Clipped £45 Hand stripped £55
Shihtzu £45
Schnauzer Mini £45 Standard £57 Giant £80
Staffie £30
Springer Spaniel £48
Tibetan Terrier £53
West Highland Terrier Clipped £45 Hand stripped £55
Whippet £30
Yorkshire Terrier £40
Yorkipoo £47
Extra services include
Argon Oil conditioning treatment (great for fluffy dogs) £5-£20
Blueberry facial free
Teeth cleaning £5
Teeth scrapping £25-£30
Micro-chipping £15

All our products are exceptional quality and our equipment is modern and safe
Prices may Vary depending on size and coat condition. De-matting and Re-styling is charged accordingly.
Teeth scrapping before & Afters